Kelas Baru di CEIC Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta

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CEIC open new class for 60 hours regular program(30x meeting)Periode 3 times a week
Course periode: 25th July – 3rd October 2007
Day: Monday,Wednesday,Friday
Time:16.00 – 17.40 WIB or 18.00 – 19.40 WIB
Registration: 4th June 2007 – 16th July 2007
Placement test: 16th & 18th July 2007 at 16.00 WIB

Beginner Level:Rp.400.000,-
Intermediate Level:Rp.500.000,-
Advance Level:Rp.600.000,-

1. Graduate from Senior High School /commensurate
2. Fotocopy of the last certificate(ijazah) or letter from your office (if you have been worked)
3. 3×4 colorfull pasphoto (one piece)

Registration fee:
For new student:Rp.30.000,-
For continuation student:Rp.20.000,-

Registration Place:
Sekretariat Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Sanata Dharma
Gedung Realino Jl. Gejayan, Mrican(North side Jogja Plaza Hotel)
Telp. (0274) 513301 ext. 1534

Popularity: 5% [?]


misuh No Comments »

Fiuhhh .. susahnya bikin website make hard-coding, bisa pengkor nih tangan! emang harus segera dialihkan ke OOP, setidaknya make template lah, apa kek, smarty juga bisa, atau sekalian Cake :D

bener2 terasa susahnya sekarang, klo dulu sih ga kepikiran bakal kaya gini, mending pake framwork jadi kali yahh.. dari pada bikin sendiri, Josso mungkin bagus, tapi.. liat saja nanti, yang jelas ini bisa jadi pelajaran..

at least hari ini sudah 80%, besok dilanjutkan dengan utak-utik LDAP, change password harus dibenahi!!

MVC .. ohh god!!

Popularity: 5% [?]

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